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Your personal and business information is more important than you realize. This seems cliche to say, but we have talked with too many customers that often forget what's at stake when it comes to digital storage. Family photo collections, customer databases, old tax returns, email archives, and medical records to name a few. If this information only exists on one computer, then you have a 100% chance that the information will eventually be lost. This can be explained by the "Bathtub Curve".

This isn't a scare tactic. Hard drives are design with what's called a MTBF rating, or Mean Time Between Failures. This basically means that each and every hard drive that we rely on to store our precious information will eventually die.

Without a proper backup system, or layers of backup systems, your information will eventually be lost. Please call our Orlando office so we can show you how to prepare for an eventual hard drive failure!

Computer Emergency